Reclaiming Indigenous Health in the US: Moving beyond the Social Determinants of Health

The lack of literature on Indigenous conceptions of health and the social determinants of health (SDH) for US Indigenous communities limits available information for Indigenous nations as they set policy and allocate resources to improve the health of their citizens. In 2015, eight scholars from tribal communities and mainstream educational institutions convened to examine: the limitations of applying the World Health Organization's (WHO) SDH framework in Indigenous communities; Indigenizing the WHO SDH framework; and Indigenous conceptions of a healthy community...
Carroll, S.R.; Suina, M.; Jäger, M.B.; Black, J.; Cornell, S.; Gonzales, A.A.; Jorgensen, M.; Palmanteer-Holder, N.L.; De La Rosa, J.S.; Teufel-Shone, N.I. Reclaiming Indigenous Health in the US: Moving beyond the Social Determinants of Health. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 7495.